About My Journey
Trish Phillips became a Living Kidney Donor after witnessing her best friend’s two-year battle with kidney disease and dependency on dialysis treatment.
Since her donation on December 15, 2016, at Tampa General Hospital, Trish passionately informs and educates others that it is possible to live a healthy lifestyle with just one kidney. She encourages others to sign up as living and deceased organ donors, thereby becoming someone else’s miracle.
On December 15, 2021, five years ago to the day of her life-saving decision, Trish created a life-transforming organization, Multicultural Miracle Donor Foundation (MMDF). Her crusade is to educate, inform, assist and empower support for multicultural living donors and the families of deceased organ donors.
Currently the General Manager of an AM Radio Station, Trish has a degree in broadcasting with a robust network to get her message out to a large audience. She started a weekly Kidney Awareness radio show, volunteers with Donate Life’s foundations, LifeLink Florida, and Life Alliance. Trish is a past top-fundraiser for the National Kidney Foundation Walk, a current Ambassador for “Howl the Owl on the Prowl, and “Worldwide Kidney Donors” banner Ambassador.
Her calling and platform are aligned, and she is ready to realize MMDF’s mission.
Fun facts about Trish:
- She has a passion and love for Audiobooks and Reality TV Shows
- She has a Curious George Monkey Collection
- At one time, she owned and rode two different Harley Davidson Motorcycles
- Trish Phillips was born and raised in Port St.Joe, Florida. She resides in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.