The Climbers Made It!

Kidney donors climb Mt. Kilimanjaro to raise awareness about living organ donation…… Read full story here

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1 Big Thing: Transplants rebound from Covid Lull

More than 41,000 Americans underwent an organ transplant in 2021, a new record and a 6% increase from 2020, when the pandemic caused a slight slowdown of the life-saving procedures, Axios’ Bob Herman writes. Why it matters: There are more transplant patients than ever, and they are particularly vulnerable to the worst effects of COVID because of…

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Multicultural Miracle Donor Foundation Launches!

MMDF has officially launched.  Trish Phillips, Executive Director chose this very special day to launch her dream.   5 years ago to the day, after making a life saving decision, Executive Director, Trish Phillips, creates a life transforming organization, Multicultural Miracle Donor Foundation (MMDF).  Her crusade to educate, inform, assist and empower support for both multicultural…

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